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2020 AVERAGES: NATIONAL VOTE | ELECTORAL COL. | HOUSE | SENATE | Battlegrounds: FL - OH - AZ - GA - IA - NC - MI - PA - WI - NH - NV - TX - MN  

Facebook, Twitter and YouTube will play a large role in the 2020 election. Freedom Window aims to determine the reach of the two main competing political forces in this country. It's impossible, however, for an independent journalist to track all political Facebook, Twitter and YouTube pages/channels. To accomplish this, I tracked the most powerful pages on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube and how they perform. I refer to those pages as "power hitters."

Most, if not all, of the smaller Facebook, Twitter and YouTube pages rely on the power hitter pages in their work. For example, most conservatives on Twitter will retweet President Trump at some point. In the same way, a person who supports Biden on Twitter will likely retweet or comment on the New York Times or CNN Twitter pages. Measuring the reach of the power hitters accomplishes two big goals, therefore, determining the reach of the biggest videos directly and the smaller voices indirectly.